
Notice to the Market – Repossession of Morumbi Site

Repossession of Morumbi Site

São Paulo, July 28, 2014 – Even Construtora e Incorporadora S.A. – EVEN (Bovespa: EVEN3), which operates in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais focusing on residential projects starting at R$250,000, hereby announces that, this morning, it regained possession of its site in Morumbi, which had been occupied by the Homeless Workers Movement (MTST) since June 20, 2014.

The action was the result of a judicial ruling upholding the right to private property as envisaged in the Brazilian Constitution.

Even is aware that the country is facing a housing deficit and accepts that fighting for a home is legitimate; however, it believes the issue should be addressed to government bodies.

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Dany Muszkat

Ivan Bonfanti
Investor Relations Manager

Fernanda Brienza
Investor Relations Analyst

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