Executive Board

Board of Directors

The members of Even’s Board of Directors are elected by the General Meeting of shareholders to serve unified terms of two years, and may be reelected.

The Board’s responsibilities include setting the company’s general business direction, establishing general policies, electing directors, supervising management and approving operations.

Rodrigo Geraldi Arruy

He graduated in Civil Engineering from Fundação Álvares Penteado (FAAP) in December 2001 and took an MBA in business management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGVSP) in July 2008. In December 2009, he joined Nova Milano Investimentos Ltda., an investment fund manager focused on equity, aiming at consolidating the area with active management, focused on the private credit market for the real estate market. He holds the position of chairman in the Board of Directors of Even and is currently a director at Nova Milano, integring the investment committee of different managed funds and investee companies. Regarding his experience on Boards of Directors, Mr. Arruy, in addition to serving as Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors, has also been a Board Member at Melnick Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. (July 2020 – August 2024) and Vanguarda Agro S.A. (formerly Terra Santa Agro S.A.) (October 2011 – April 2016). He is CEO of Casa de Pedra Securitizadora de Crédito S.A. since its foundation in September 2018, and also a member of the investment committee at Grendene S.A. since its incorporation in May 2019

Guibson Zaffari

Since 2004 he helds the positions of Director of Clazari, a holding of the Zaffari Group; and Director of Belfare, a real estate investment company. Former member of the British Council of Start Ups in the fashion area, former Portfolio Manager at XP Investimentos. He holds an MBA from the London Business School. The companies listed above are not part of the Company’s economic group, nor are they controlled by a company shareholder who holds a stake, direct ou indirect, equal to or greater than 5% of the company’s share capital.

Vinicius Ottone Mastrorosa
He graduated in Economics from the University of São Paulo (USP) and worked in the financial market for five years, from 2007 to 2012. Between 2012 and 2019, he held various positions within the Company, with the last being Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer. In February 2020, he became a Portfolio Manager at Nova Milano Investimentos, an investment management firm specializing in real estate. Currently, he also serves on the Board of Directors of Casa de Pedra Securitizadora S.A., RZK Energia S.A., CFL Incorporadora S.A., and Volpi Tech Ltda., as well as holding the position of Specialist Member of the Company’s Financial Committee since May 2024.
André Ferreira Martins Assumpção

He is a lawyer graduated from the Facudade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo and a public administrator graduated from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. He is currently chairman of the Board of Directors of Superbid Participações S.A., member of the Board of Directors of Even Construtora e Incorporadora S.A. and TRR Corretora de Seguros Ltda., where he was also CEO between 2018 and 2020. After 10 years working at Banco BBA where he was a partner -executive, André was one of the co-founders of Estáter Assessoria Financeira in 2003, a company specialized in mergers and acquisitions where he remains a partner, as well as participating as a co-investor in the companies of the Estáter Group. The companies listed above are not part of the Company’s economic group, nor are they controlled by a Company shareholder who holds a direct or indirect interest equal to or greater than 5% of the Company’s share capital.

Andreia de Sousa Ramos Vettorazzo

She has a degree in civil engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUCC) and 35 years of management experience in the infrastructure, agribusiness and road and sanitation concessions sectors. Professional with broad strategic and financial vision, participation in numerous M&A operations, company turnarounds, debt restructuring, roadshows and negotiations for the admission of a foreign partner. In her professional career, we highlight Ms. Andreia´s work on Boards of Directors for over 10 years, in addition to being a founding partner of a social impact startup focused on female entrepreneurship in peripheral areas, based on the Muhammad Yunus model. She worked professionally at the Equipav Group, and she is currently an advisory advisor to Lachmann Agenciamento Marítimo, IC Transportes, Grupo Terra Viva e Comitê de Finanças da AACD. The companies listed above are not part of the Company’s economic group, nor are they controlled by a company shareholder who holds a stake, direct ou indirect, equal to or greater than 5% of the company’s share capital.

Board of Executive Officers

Our Executive Board is composed of four members, elected and removed at any time by the Board of Directors. The directors are responsible for carrying out the decisions of the Board of Directors and for representing Even before third parties. Each director also has individual responsibilities that are determined by the Board of Directors.

Márcio Botana Moraes

He graduated in civil engineering from the University of Mogi das Cruzes in 1982 and has been working in the Real Estate and Construction sector for over 40 years as (i) founder of the RFM Group formed by companies operating in the field of real estate development and civil construction; (ii) shareholder and member of the Board of Directors of Taxai Resorts Hotel from the Relais Chateaux chain; (iii) founder and member of the Board of Directors of NOS Innovators, innovation startup responsible for managing Hub InovaBra – Bradesco; (iv) founder and director of Instituto Companheiros do Txai in the third sector; and (v) founder and member of the technology committee of Sinduscon – SP.

Marcelo Dzik

Marcelo Dzik has a degree in Civil Engineering from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and a postgraduate degree from Fundação Dom Cabral – Executive MBA and Kellog School of Management – Post – MBA Program. Marcelo joined as an intern and worked in several areas of the Company. On December 12, 2019, he has elected Statutory Officer, acting as Director of Incorporation in the Company, having been re-elected on December 16, 2021. On January 03, 2023 he has elected for the positions of Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”) and Investor Relations Officer (“IRO”) of the Company.

Marcelo Lenttini de Morais

Graduated in Civil Engineering from FEI in December 2004, attended a postgraduate degree in Business Administration (CEAG-SP) from FGV in 2007 and an MBA in Real Estate Business Management from FGV in 2010. He joined the company in 2006 where he worked as an engineer and General Manager of Works. Today he holds the position of Director of SP and RJ’s Operations.

João Paulo Laffront dos Santos

João Paulo graduated in Business Administration from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo and joined Even in 2007, working in the commercial, incorporation, financial, inovation and sales’ department.