Risk Management

Following the best practices of Corporate Governance, Risks Management and Compliance was created in 2017. Its goal is to act as facilitator by creating multiplying agents and initiatives in management and corporate risks mitigation. Besides, it performs as important spokesman between the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors as per the risks, internal control and compliance subject matters.

In April 2024, the Policy of Risks Management was updated and approved by the Board of Directors. This policy contains the main guidelines related to the risk management process, the types of risks the company is exposed to, the process of identification, assessment, treatment, monitoring, and communication of risks, with the aim of providing transparency to management in order to minimize the impact of losses to an acceptable level for the Company. The document was prepared in accordance with market best practices, the “Novo Mercado” Regulations, and the standards set by the Securities and Exchange Comission of Brazil (CVM), ISO 31,000/2018, and COSO ERM, and covers:

  • Members of the Board of Directors and members of the Advisory Commitees to the Board of Directors;
  • Employees;
  • Interns and young apprentices; and
  • Specialized professionals, occasionally contracted by Even to represent it.


The Organizational Structure of Risk Management

Regarding Compliance, the area aims to ensure that all operations and conduct of the company comply the laws, regulations, and both internal and external standards. This involves preventing violations, promoting a culture of integrity through actions that include training, monitoring, and reporting.

Access the full Risk Management and Compliance policies in the “By Laws, Policies and Codes” section.