
Notice to the Market – Changes on Management

São Paulo, December 17, 2015 – Even Construtora e Incorporadora S.A. – EVEN (BM&FBOVESPA: EVEN3), announces to the Shareholders and the overall market that, due to the amendment of the Company‘s Bylaws, approved in an Extraordinary General Meeting held today, among other changes, it has restructured the positions of the Company‘s Board of Directors, stating that such positions will be held by: (i) DANY MUSKAT, who will hold the positions of Co-Chair Officer and Investor Relations Officer; (ii) JOÃO EDUARDO DE AZEVEDO SILVA, who will hold the positions of Co-Chair Officer and Merger Officer; (iii) DANIELLA SASSON FIGUEIRA, who will the position of Chief Financial Officer; and (iv) SILVIO LUIZ GAVA, who will hold the position of Technical and Sustainability Officer.

The term of office will be until the Company‘s Annual General Meeting, which approves the financial statements for the year ended in December 31, 2016.

Additionally, the Company accepted, at the meeting of Board of Directors held on 12/10/2015, the resignation of Mr. PAULO OTÁVIO GONÇALVES DE MOURA, who until then held the position of Corporate Affairs Officer, in accordance with the letter of resignation presented by him to the Company, which is filed at its headquarters.


Dany Muszkat

Vinicíus Mastrorosa
Strategy and IR Director

Ivan Bonfanti
IR Manager

Fernanda Brienza
IR Analyst

IR Contact:
Phone: +55 11 3377-3777
Fax: +55 11 3377-3780